I fell at work over the weekend. I was mopping and slipped on the wet tile... ouch! Of course, I fell on my behind, but I hit my head on the tile as well. Talk about a headache!! Luckily I work for a headache specialist, huh?!? LOL. But seriously, it hurt pretty bad and I had the worst headache that night (Saturday), but last night and today I'm feeling it in other places. My stomach muscles are so sore, like I've done a thousand crunches. My neck is sore, like whiplash or something, and my backside feels bruised, even though it's not. I'm just thankful I wasn't really hurt and plus, my dad and Jami came to stay with me, just in case. I had Christmas with my mom's side of the family last night. Tonight I'm going to my favorite tradition of cheese dip Christmas Eve! Since moma passed away, Connie and I have been continuing the tradition and going to my aunt Debbie's and having Christmas with her family. It's usually a lot of fun. Oh, and Daddy and Jami are coming to spend the night with me AGAIN and we're doing the "grandparent thing" tomorrow and going to see all of my nephews and their presents, etc. I wanted to take this chance (since I'm at Connie's using her internet) and wish you all a very Merry Christmas and may the joy of Jesus fill your hearts and your family as we celebrate the greatest gift of all!!! Where would we be without Jesus?!? May we never know!
5 years ago
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