Tonight I was invited to watch Guatemala play against Canada. I know you are so jealous. I'm going with Alfredo, from church, and few EMI (Engineering Ministries International) interns, and Jill, my roommate. One of the EMI guys is from Canada, so I will try not to be seen with him because he said he's bringing his Canadian flag! But I'll be sporting my futbol jersey blue and white!! It should be a blast! I'll write about that later.
The Bible study at Tom and Debbie's has been great! I'm still leading the worship, which has been amazing for me, and it's always a humbling and learning experience as well. But I love it and I never know what God might bring to someone else in the room through my music. The study is pretty deep. I'm learning a lot about what it meant to be a true disciple back in Jesus' days. It was a true lifetime commitment. The Hebrew word for disciple is Talmid, which means not someone who wants to know what their teacher knows, but 'someone who wants to BE the teacher'. The series is called, 'The Dust of The Rabbi', which signifies that the disciples want to follow so closely behind their Rabbi that they are covered with the dust from his sandals. WOW! Pretty intense, eh? It has been very interesting. We will be reading all of the gospels this month. One a week. How could someone be a disciple if they do not know their Rabbi 100%. The disciples of that day spent every waking moment with their Rabbi, and still some failed. If we don't spend as much time as we can reading about The Rabbi's life, how can we possibly try to be like Him? I'm preaching to myself here....
Last Friday at about 10AM, I found out that at 4PM I would be going to stay with Barbara in the hospital again for her monthly dialisis treatment. This is hard for me because of all of the sad cases that I see there in the hospital, knowing that this is the only treatment that some of them recieve and can afford. Barbara is so fortunate to recieve the care she does at La Sombra De Sus Alas. The adoption process for her is coming along very quickly, and we are praying that she will soon be with her knew mom and dad in New Jersey. She had the best time visiting them in Orlando. She was a true Disney Princess for a week.
On Monday, we recieved two new girls, twins, whose older sister already lives here. We didn't want to tell Sandy until we were sure, so she was surprised Monday afternoon when she came home and was greeted by her little sisters, Wendy Andrea and Wendy Celeste. (I know, I know; who in the world would do that? But someone did and thank goodness they go by their middle names!) The afternoon was filled with tears of joy and excitement for Sandy as she loved on the identical 9 year olds. I was given the priviledge to spend the afternoon with them; giving them a bath and de-licing their hair, (woohoo!) and giving them all their new clothes, toiletries, and even a stuffed animal. They are so adorable! I hope to get pictures soon.
There was only one empty bed upstairs, so I gladly gave up my twin bed, in exchange for a top bunk. It's only for a few weeks and then Jill leaves, and I will steal her bed!
One of my new favorite verses is a verse that Pastor Leisa preached on at Planet Rock a few weeks before I left. She spoke on being the aroma of Christ. It's found in 2 Corinthians 2:14-16, and it says, "Thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession, spreading everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of Him. For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. To the one we are the smell of death; to the other the fragrance of life. And who is equal to such a task?"
I leave you with that today and with part of a song I have started writing from Mark 4.
Although the waves are crashing in
and we can't stand because of strong winds;
I am with you 'til the end.
Trust in me, your faithful friend.
God bless.
If you would like to make any donations to The Shadow of His Wings, which is a part of James Project Latin America, you can send them to
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Children of Promise
P.O. Box 200
Alma, MO 64001
(non-tax deductible)
Proyecto Santiago
Apartado Postal 26-H
Guatemala, Guatemala 01911
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5 years ago
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