Thursday, May 10, 2007

feliz dia de la madre

Well, today is Mother's day here in Guatemala... the kids are all out of school... and like any other holiday, I was woken up this morning... way before the sun came up to firecrackers being set off outside of people's houses. Now, I'm not talking about one or two times.. it went on and on!! So that set off a chain reaction and all the dogs (all the 1,000's of dogs) in the neighborhood started barking. About the time they would stop, someone else would set off more firecrackers. When I saw firecrackers, I'm talking about the little red ones that sound like a machine gun going off... POPOPOPOPOPOPOPOPOPOPOPOP!!! It's the worst way to be woken up!! So, I really don't feel like I slept well today, but that's life.
So, anyway, I want to wish all of you mothers out there a very happy Mother's Day, even though for you, it's a few days early!!
I also have to say that it really makes me sad when people take their mothers for granted. God gave you this special gift for only a certain time and you never know when she will be taken away. Love her!
I had the best moma anyone could ask for, and I thank God for her and all that she brought to my life and to everyone who meet her.