Days like today I feel extremely blessed to have the earthly father that God gave me. I'm thankful for my entire family for that matter.
I began going on mission trips at 18 with my family. When I withdrew from college because it would interfere with my mission's heart, I had my daddy's full support. He was even glad. When I decided to move to Guatemala full time to work with Shadow, he could not have been more excited that I was following God's will for my life. When my vision changed, I moved out on my own, and began a different ministry, he was full of advice and encouragement for me. Now that I have accepted this new call to return home for now and pursue another chapter in my life, I think he is probably more excited for me than I am!! I've always had his love, support, encouragement, and help when I needed it. I honestly could not ask for anything more for a father.
I'm never "afraid" to talk to him about things going on in my life. No matter what is going on with me, I can always count on him to be there. Isn't that what parenting is all about? I never feel judged or that he is disappointed in me. I wonder how he does it?!!
And even though Father's Day has passed, I think this is the kind of appreciation that should be shown every day
5 years ago
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