Sunday, December 14, 2008


This morning as I was driving home from church, I was thinking about my sweet Flor, as usual. I was thinking about how much I love her; how much I miss her. I caught myself wondering if she could even comprehend what is going on in this world for her. If she can even count high enough to number the people that are working so hard to get her home. If she can even fathom the amount of prayers going up daily from all around the world. If she knows how often I think of her. I wonder if she even has a thought for me throughout the day.

Then I realized how selfish I am for thinking that way. Of course, I want to feel her love me back, but I would not in a million years want her to know what is going on now to bring her home. I wouldn't want her to feel how hard this is. How hard it is to wait. How much my hearts aches for her every single day. How often I cry.

I wouldn't want her to know or feel anything that I am experiencing right now. I don't want her to have a care in the world. I want her to go to bed tonight and sleep peacefully. I want her to wake up tomorrow morning, knowing that she'll have breakfast and a jacket to keep her warm. She won't even have to think about it actually. It just happens and she doesn't know any different. There is no worry in her little mind for that. No cares. Just being a little girl with her whole day ahead of her.


Bill and Melodie said...

So sweet!

Amy said...

Thank God they don't have a clue what is going on! We are the only ones that have to bear the load (with God's help of course). I just keep reminding myself that His yoke is easy and His burden is light :).

Amy Clemons said...

Love this post! Its amazing how being a Momma changes your way of thinking and your perspective on things. We want nothing but the best for our children and we will settle for nothing less. Keep your spirits up.

Debbie said...

That is the sweetest picture!! One of my favorites.

Debbie said...

You have an award-visit me.